Free PPPatterns

These paper piecing patterns are designed by Maartje Quilts in Amsterdam and published in posts of this blog. You can download these patterns free for your own, non commercial use. When you use one of my patterns I love to get a picture of your work and when you blog about your work with my patterns, please mention my name and a link to the pattern.

Deze patronen zijn ontworpen door Maartje Quilts in Amsterdam. Ze zijn gepubliceerd in berichten van dit blog. U mag de patronen downloaden voor eigen, niet commercieel gebruik. Als u een van mijn patronen gebruikt, zou ik het op prijs stellen als u een foto stuurt van uw werk en mijn naam vermeld als u uw werk op internet zet..

Just click on a picture to find a link to the pattern/Klik op een afbeelding voor een link naar het patroon.

Shoes,  Mad Cow family, Farm animals, Flamingos, pottery, stacked cups and saucers , kittens and mices, ducks and bath toys, Xmas

Shoes (One color: 6, 8 and 10 inch blocks, with thin black soul: 10 inch blocks)

The first of the shoe patterns:

only 10inch block

Mad family: Calf and bull (and link to cow)

If you like the funny Cow Pattern of, you will like her daughter or sun too. Also the father, Mad Bull, is available. I must test the pattern first. 

6inch block and 8 inch block (two colors or three colors)

MadBull 12 inch, 10 inch and 8 inch blocks     Mad cow : 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch adjusted pattern
                                                                           Original cow pattern at

MadBull2.1: 6,8,10,12 and 14 inch patterns

MadBull2.2:  6, 8, 10, 12, 14 inch pattern

Xmas Mad Cow with hat: 8, 10 and 12 inch patterns

Xmas Bull and calf: 6,8,10, 12 and 14 inch patterns

Farm patterns

Chiken.2   Chicken.2 and rooster.1  6,8,10,12 and 14 inch patterns.

Pig: 6,8,10,12 inch patterns

Molly.1: 6,8,10,12 inch patterns


8,10,12 and 14 inch blocks

6/10 inch and 7.8/12/5 inch blocks  (with mirror blocks)


I love to sew pottery. My first finished pottery pattern:
Two bowls: 5 inch block
Mug with teabag: 5 inch block
Teacup 4, 5 and 6 inch blocks
teapot 4, 5 and 6 inch blocks
teacup with saucer 4 and 5 inch blocks

Pot and jug 4,6 and 8 inch blocks

Stacking chinaware 

Stacked cups#1 patterns and tutorial

Stacked cups#2 patterns amd tutorial

Stacked cups #3 pattern
Stacked cups #4 pattern


Patterns: 6, 8 and 10 inch.
Patterns: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 inch.

Kittens (4, 6 and 8 inch blocks)

Mice like cheese:
 Cheese cube with flag:: 4 and 6 inch pattern.


Fun in bath

Rubber duck: 4, 6, 8 and 10 inch

Soon: toys 4,6 and 9 inch


Placemat: 16x9 inch and 20 x12 inch blocks
Wonky Xmas tree block: 4, 6 and 8 inch blocks

4,6,8,10 inch block

6,8,10 and 12 inch pattern

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello. I notice your patterns say not for commercial use, but I see your fabulous baby animals on sale on eBay. Thought you'd want to know

  2. Hi there, thank you so much for your lovely pattern collection! I would very much like to make a small rubber duck quilt for a friend, but there is no link behind the photo. Could you please tell me where I can download the pattern, please? Greetings from Austria, Gabriele

  3. Ah, it's ok, I found the pattern in your blogpost here: I will send you a photo when I finished the quilt! Greetings from Austria, Gabriele

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